We are a rapidly growing international company seeking an experienced and dedicated Chief Accountant to join our team. If you have a passion for finance, enjoy working in a global environment, and strive for continuous improvement of accounting processes, this opportunity is for you! Join us to play a key role in ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance with regulatory standards.


Your scope of duties:

  • Ensure accurate and timely financial reporting according to group standards and statutory requirements,
  • Active participation in Month-End Closing,
  • Responsible for statutory financial statements preparation,
  • Conduct balance sheet and Profit and Loss reviews, ensuring completeness and accuracy of data,
  • Taking a lead for the group and statutory audit process,
  • Ensure the company complies with current accounting and tax regulations,
  • Supervision of the correctness of tax settlements (CIT, VAT, WHT, TPR) and representation of the Company before external authorities,
  • Optimizing the efficiency of accounting processes and running internal projects to improve financial processes,
  • Partnering with budget holders to review management accounts with the prior year and forecast comparatives,
  • Supervision of transfer pricing documentation,
  • Cooperation with the CFO, management, Head Office in the UK, tax authorities, financial institutions, auditors and other stakeholders to provide substantive support in the area of ​​accounting and taxes


Our expectations:

  • Master’s degree in accounting or economics,
  • Minimum 5 years of accounting experience in the same position in an international organization,
  • Experience in financial statements preparation and external audits coordination,
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Polish,
  • Experience in shared services or accounting services in an international environment,
  • Advanced analytical skills (Excel),
  • Familiarity with ERP accounting software including implementation

What we offer:

  • Professional development in an international environment – we are part of a Volex group that includes 30 companies worldwide
  • Employment in a stable company with an established position in the market – we have a tradition of more than 20 years and we continue to invest in our development, which can be seen year after year
  • Transparent system of evaluation and annual bonus
  • Benefits package:
  • Subsidised private medical care at LuxMed from the beginning of employment
  • Group life insurance paid for by the employer after the probation period
  • Investment fund paid for by the employer after the probation period
  • Co-financing of meals in the company canteen (breakfasts, lunches)
  • Subsidised Multisport card
  • Social benefits: holiday subsidies, sports and recreation subsidies, parcels and/or cash subsidies for Christmas
  • Bike shelter and lockers for cyclists
  • Comfortable parking for employees



Prosimy o umieszczenie w CV klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w dostarczonych przeze mnie dokumentach aplikacyjnych przez Volex Poland Sp. z o.o., 85-758 Bydgoszcz, ul. Przemysłowa 8, w celu realizacji procesu rekrutacji”. Informujemy, że Administratorem danych jest Volex Poland Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Bydgoszczy przy ul. Przemysłowej 8. Dane zbierane są dla potrzeb rekrutacji. Podanie danych osobowych w CV jest dobrowolne, lecz konieczne do przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacyjnego. Konsekwencją niepodania danych osobowych będzie brak możliwości przeprowadzenia postępowania rekrutacyjnego. Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą na podstawie art. 21 § 1 i 4 Kodeksu Pracy oraz art. 6 ust. 1 pkt. a, c i f RODO. Posiada Pani/Pan prawo do: żądania od administratora dostępu do danych osobowych, prawo do ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo do cofnięcia zgody.

Pozostałe oferty z tego samego miasta

ul. Toruńska 24
85-023 Bydgoszcz

tel.52 348 43 77
tel.52 348 43 80
fax52 348 43 88

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